Aroostook County
Historical & Art Museum
of Houlton
The Houlton Grange No. 16
Grange Curtain
November of 2021 someone on Facebook saw the Houlton Grange curtain for sale in an antique store in a small East Texas town.
People wanted to raise funds to get it back to Houlton but before they could raise any money a fellow home-town guy by the name of Jamie Millar who now lives in New Hampshire, but has strong family ties to Houlton, called the place and purchased it for the town.
It's been on a long journey and it took a while but it finally landed at the Aroostook County Historical & Art Museum a few months ago.
Now the ball was in our court. what the heck do we do with this thing? It's huge!
The beautiful interior of the Houlton Co-op and Farm Store came to mind. With its high tin ceilings and birds eye maple woodwork and a very large empty wall.
On Monday August 29th a crew came together and hung the curtain on that wall for the town to enjoy.

Jamie Millar John A Millar
It’s certainly worth noting at this point that John A. Millar was one of the towns leading historians and goodwill ambassadors of Houlton.
You can see him in the video below " A Walking Tour of Houlton"
And here in the video "Old Homes of Houlton"

The Curtain as it looked hanging on the Grange Stage
Alisha Ouellette getting 80 some odd years of dust off the curtain on one of our sunny summer days in 2022.
Curtain going up at the Co-op
Monday, August 29th 2022

"The Hanging Crew"
L to R
Mac Randolph, Nancy West, Jane Torres, Sue Bushey, John Bushey, and, Paula Woodworth.