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The Sarah Houlton Kitchen

The Sarah Houlton Kitchen displays kitchen utensils representing about a hundred years of food preparation with artifacts dating from the early 19th to early 20th centuries.


There are butter making supplies, an early toaster, spice containers, as well as the variety of expected pots and pans.


While many of the types of artifacts on display are still in use today, some items' functions defy identification.

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Sarah Houlton Kitchen at ACHAM
Apple peeler
Museum Kitchen 005
Sarah Houlton Kitchen at ACHAM
Mortar and pestle
Sarah Houlton Kitchen at ACHAM
Aluminum maple syrup carafe
Sarah Houlton Kitchen at ACHAM
Electric toaster
Sarah Houlton Kitchen at ACHAM
Sarah Houlton bowl
Museum Kitchen 004
Museum Kitchen 001
Museum Kitchen 002

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