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Aroostook County
Historical & Art Museum
of Houlton
Our "Houlton History Lessons" are short essays, created by volunteers, on several different historic events and area landmarks.
We are always looking to add new content. If you'd like to research a subject and contribute to the site, please see our "Contact Us" page and drop us an email.
Virtual History Lesson:
"The Great Fire of 1902"
Visit our exhibits on Maine Memory Network!
Shepard Cary: Lumberman, Legislator, Leader and Legend.
The Taber Wagon, Anson Taber.
The Story of the
Cross Country Team
Houlton History Lessons
Hotel Lafayette Fire
Ensign Animal Fountain
The Exchange Hotel
Houlton Grange No. 16
Snell House
Titcomb's Mill Explosion
The Fire of 1879
The Fire of 1880
The Fire of 1884
Union Block Fire 1893
Great Fire of 1902
Pulling Planes
Liberty Hall
First Armistice Day
Wording Hall
Soldiers Monument
The Houlton Post Office
Post Office/Customs House
B&A Railroad Reaches Houlton
Houlton's Brick Industry
The Aroostook Hospital
1932 Cross Country team
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